Thursday, September 21, 2006

Long Walk

Yesterday I went to checkout the greenway in town. It was cool and sunny, so it was perfect for a long walk. I ended up walking for about 3.5 miles and jogging for a half mile. I wanted to do it again today, but I have been lazy all day, and pathetically sore from my outing yesterday. I'm going to get up earlier tomorrow and check out another part of the trail.

I'll tell ya a secret too... a few times I stopped to dance around to the music I was listening to... after I looked around to make sure no one was there to see me. FUN!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Tonight's Run and Updated Goals.

Tonight I ran 16 minutes and 48 seconds.
Then I got into the car and checked the length. It was 1.7 miles.

The coolest part is that I didn't have to stop and walk even once. It really helps to listen to music while you run so that you don't think about how you can't breathe and you're seconds from death.

Since I survived, I'm thinking I could EASILY be ready for the Turkey Trot (Bowling Green's 5K run)on Thanksgiving weekend. It's only 3.2 miles. I did it once a few years back, but I had to stop and walk several times during the event.

Want to do it with me?

I think planning to do this would be good motivation to get me out running a couple of days a week. waddaya say?

Saturday, September 16, 2006


It's been 4 days since that first post with my goals in it. I have done pilates twice since then and I hope to do it again today. I'm doing OK on the eating healthy thing. I didn't have a soda yesterday, but I did have a 16 oz. bottle of sweet tea which probably has way more sugar in it. Baby steps. I started using my big blue nalgene bottle again to make sure I drink water all the time. It's cool because it's got measurements on the side so I know how much water I'm drinking. That's pretty much it for me.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Day 1: The Ups and Downs

Good Stuff:
1. I rollerbladed to dinner and back. It was a mile I think.
2. I played 4 games of ping pong (and counting).
3. I did 50 pushups (and counting).
4. I'm sweating.

Bad Stuff:
1. I ate half of a 14'' pizza for dinner, and I may have the other half before I go to bed.

David's Goals

I'd like to live for a very long time. I'd also like to feel good during that time. I want to avoid that seemingly inevitable equation of "getting older=getting fatter." My real goal is to never ever EVER tuck in a t-shirt. Oh, and I want to eat right.

More concretely though, I want to weigh 140 pounds or less. I'm currently 145. I think your idea of getting 30 minutes of exercise 4 times a week is a really good goal. I'll make it mine, too!

I also HAVE to limit my eating-of-nasty-shit to once a week, and i'd like to reduce the number of times i over-eat to ZERO. there's no point in doing that. it's stupid.
I want to never have more than a coke a day, and I don't want that to even be the norm.

I'm going to get 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, starting today, September 12th. I want to spend $100 a month on groceries and $50 a month on fastfood. I think that's more than enough, but i'll do it for a month and then adjust it if I need to.

Kelly's Goals

Ok, I thought it would be a good idea to lay out my goals somewhere we can both see them so maybe you can help motivate me, David. Here's what I want to do...
I'd like to exercise at least four times a week for at least 30 minutes each time. I'd like to stay under 120 lbs. and have some nice muscle tone. I'd like to not jiggle so much. So the answer to that "ya wanna jiggle?" question is "NO!"
That's pretty much it. How about you?